Game Worlds

Game Worlds #

After logging into your account, the Dashboard will show a variety of game worlds for you to choose from. The amount of game worlds that you can join isn’t limited, so feel free to try out as many as you like. Keep in mind that credits will be deducted from your account for every active game world.

You can find a list of all currently available game worlds, including their respective configurations, on our website.

Short-Term Game Worlds #

As the name suggests, short-term game worlds have a limited runtime and usually last for about 8 to 10 months before starting over in a new iteration.

Short-term game worlds consume 4 credits per day for your first holding and 2 credits per day for every additional holding.

Long-Term Game Worlds #

On the other hand, long-term game worlds run continuously with no specific end date.

Long-term game worlds consume 6 credits per day for your first holding and 4 credits per day for every additional holding.

Medium-Term Game Worlds #

This type of game world is a hybrid between short- and long-term servers, both in terms of duration and costs.

Medium-term game worlds consume 5 credits per day for your first holding.

Exclusive Game Worlds #

Exclusive game worlds are private game worlds that allow individual configurations. You can read more about them in our dedicated section on the topic.